Committee for Business and Innovation

Our joint achievements

California entrepreneurs participated in local, regional, and national fairs and exhibitions.

Promoted California and its economy through social media.

Created the "More Than A Smile" foundation to run the PSN's Senior Citizen Program.

Created the Association of Professionals of Soto Norte (ASOPROSOTO).

Advancement of diplomas:

- Design and Management of Public Investment Projects.

- Associative and Productive Projects and Social Entrepreneurship.

Delivered on the priorities established by the communities.

Delivered the Studies and Designs for the San Rafael de Matanza Hospital Improvement Project, benefiting the community.

Promoted external investment in the province.

Strengthened business growth and green economies.

Repaired the road to Suratá, which came from the Business and Innovation Committee and was co-financed with the Road Infrastructure Committee.



Political and social leaders, youth, women, and elders received Project Design and Management training.


Exhibitions and fairs at the local, regional, and national levels.


Committee Meetings.


Participants received Phase II of the Production Projects and Social Entrepreneurship diploma course.


People benefited from the repairs of the Suratá road.


Course on Entrepreneurship and Green Business.


Local entrepreneurs were trained in Green Business and will participate in the Project Incubator.

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