Social investment

From 2007 to date, without yet beginning to operate, the Soto Norte Project has invested more than COP50 billion to strengthen the communities of the Province, in partnership with the academy and the guilds. 

accessed the higher education programs of the different public and private universities, thanks to the ‘Mi Beca’ (My Scholarship) program. Payment of tuition and sustenance assistance is guaranteed.

from California and Surata have benefited from the Digital Education program, a great commitment to bridge the region's digital divide.

are active to ensure the connectivity of educational institutions and at least 1,200 children and adolescents in the territory.

during the pandemic, we would not let any California children miss school so we enabled an educational channel..

have received psychosocial support.

accessed the Saber 11 (SAT equivalent) test prep program.

have been able to access further education on a second language, with the Bilingualism program.

have been delivered, so that students can have the necessary items for their classes.

from Soto Norte have strengthened their skills with craft workshops. Even these spaces have allowed them to start ventures, some of which are already exporting their products to countries such as the United States, Australia, Spain, Germany, Italy, Norway, and Mexico.

participated in music schools for cultural rescue.

between the Soto Norte Project and Artesanía de Colombia (Colombian Handicrafts) opened the doors to 51 people from California, Surata and Matanza.

became ‘environmental guardians.’

strengthened their skills with sports schools.

35 courses were scheduled in which at least 1,000 people participated.

units have been supported with marketing, training and advice.

of the educational branch of Agualimpia

of educational infrastructures: school restaurant, sanitary facilities and locative repairs.

for the improvement and construction of community infrastructure: playgrounds, production booths, integration centers, plazas, home gas system, churches and sports fields.

of vital infrastructure.

for the construction of 2 retaining walls on the road that connects Bucaramanga with the province of Soto Norte.

were installed in rural homes.

for the improvement of road infrastructure.

have directly benefited from the construction of footprints and support of road emergencies. Box culverts have also been built.

trees planted.

recovered with the planting of species such as oak and urapán.
